About the Journal
Bulletin of Community Service and Development (BCSD), ISSN(p): 2746-1386; ISSN(e): 2807-6966, is a scientific bulletin that focuses on disseminating research results based on community service, building community capacity and community empowerment, and community empowerment innovation. This journal covers an interdisciplinary field with a social and social perspective
Journal Description
Publisher: LPPM Cahaya Mulia Mandiri
DOI prefix:
ISSN(p): 2746-1386
ISSN(e): 2807-6966
Editor in Chief: Rahmad Hakim
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar
Focus and Scope: See Aims & scope
Authors benefit:
- Open Access—free for readers, with affordable FREE article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
- Rapid publication—start from Vol 1, No. 1 December 2020, Bulletin of Community Service and Development publieshed twice a year on June and December publication (2 issues per year).
- Double Galleys—author has the option of publishing in pdf + video format, see sample
- Multi sections—author has the option of publishing article, technical note, and Islamic da'wah material.